Saturday, June 13, 2009

Now Is The Time For A New Energy Revolution

It is time for an energy revolution, and we must work together to change the world now. There is a crisis at hand that will effect the entire planet, in short order, it will endanger our very survival and the future of our children. It endangers our economy right now. We send our children overseas to protect oil reserves in foreign lands so those lands can hold us hostage for a gallon of gas. It is not right. We have the ability to become self sufficient, we must become self sufficient NOW!

It is time to take a stand, we don’t have 25 years for our automakers to catch up to China’s auto emission standards, that’s a joke! China does it today, we need to do it today. We need to start now, we need to change now, solar, wind, and hydro power are all clean and renewable and hydrogen is the most common element in the universe, we will never run out. Hydrogen powered fuel cells… great idea! Those are the long term answers, fossil fuel is going the way of the dinosaur and we will follow if we don’t wake up today.

Short term we need to focus on conservation and co-generation, the heat produced by our furnaces can create electricity affordably and on site. 74% of electricity is lost during transmission.

Nuclear… well if the plant doesn’t blow up, you still have all those barrels of waste to deal with. Burying the barrels to create another terrorist target, honestly is that really an answer we can live with? Ethanol, just another joke, either our farmlands are over taxed producing corn ethanol or we strip our topsoil everywhere by creating a market for cellulosic ethanol, either way, we loose. The biggest joke is the ethanol vehicles get roughly 27% less gas mileage than their all gas counterparts.

I challenge the world to work together to develop cold fusion without toxic waste.
I challenge the world to put solar panels on every building with a sunny exposure. I challenge the world to develop safe hydrogen power systems and I challenge the governments to actually do the right thing! I challenge everyone, everywhere to do one thing each day, spend some time alone and come up with a plan, a plan that may seem inconsequential, however when combined with everyone else, the tide will turn.

Things have to turn and it won’t happen by itself, we have to make it change now! Does anyone remember the 1984 Honda civic coupe, it got 67 miles to the gallon without a hybrid engine. It wasn’t rocket science, the cars were simply lighter. Gas is approaching five dollars a gallon and Detroit is re-launching their old line of heavy muscle cars, frankly they deserve to go bankrupt. The Prius is the flagship of the energy revolution and the Ford Escape hybrid is an SUV that gets 36 miles to the gallon. Why do we only have two, shame on us, for not screaming from the roof tops, “we want energy efficient vehicles and homes without oil tanks”!
My question is how long wil it take you to get off your A$$ and get started? The little things do add up!

Frustrated? Worried it just doesn’t matter? It does matter and the only thing that has ever changed the world started with a small group of thoughtful committed people. People that understand that the only way you ever receive anything worth having, is by giving of yourself first. Don’t stand there holding your hand out, lend a hand, believe in yourself, believe in the cause, believe you can make a difference and tell one other person. There really are only two valid choices left, step up and be the change you want to see, or just get out of the way. Standing still with business as usual is no longer an option. I am stepping up as a leader in this new energy revolution, and I am looking for a few good, committed people to help.

Steve Schappert
Bios Building Technologies
Cell: 203-994-3950

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Entry for National Geographic Contest

I would create a social business enterprise that builds zero energy homes from recycled medical waste, plastic and metal. The technology is currently available. The primary product lines would be affordable housing and medical properties. Building the contractor network for rehab and retrofit first before opening our manufacturing plant will allow the construction market to recover. The company would provide energy audits as a means of generating business. Manufacturing plants will be opened worldwide to provide low-cost local building materials.

BIOS will provide energy efficient remodeling for owners of existing homes, and commercial buildings. Then we will open our own product line of zero energy homes that combine the new framing that is one fourth the weight of steel and ten times stronger with an alternative energy distribution company to create the world’s largest green contracting company.

$20,000 would be used to promote Bios Building Technologies through low to no cost PR that would initially promote conservation and co-generation of energy. As a social business enterprise, our sales reps and customers are the owners. I believe that doing the right thing is the priority of the organization, the end result of helping people, saving the planet and boosting the economy is exceptional profits. I have put together much more than 250 words relevant to this concept. I offer it to the world with faith and conviction that the right people will come forward. I thank Sunchips and National Geographics for the opportunity to share my ideas. Thank you, Steve Schappert

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

BIOS Theme Song...first draft
A challenge thrown down by environmental Entrepreneur Mr. Steve Schappert. He invited us all to do something to help pull us all together to save the planet. I thought "what could I do" Steve challenged Ebony and I to write a song. Here it is. Much blessings to all. - Joe Torcicollo

Im one, But Im not alone here. We Two can make a change. Each one, reach out and teach one.Gotta fix this mess that we all made. We're moving way to fast, how much more can this all last.We got it get it together so we can live forever.

Can we do it....yeah Can we do it...yeah Can we do it...yeah
Been Rockin on million years or more, we wanna rock one million more.
Been rockin one million years or more, we wanna rock one million more

Its time We all come together, Growing from one voice. Into millions strongEach one can make a difference. We're getting on the right track, Keep on moving along,been living way to tough.The earth has suffered enough